Number One Riverside
This images of Number One Riverside, the iconic public library and council offices building which is due to open early 2013.
Number One Riverside is set to bring together around 2,000 council staff from more than 30 buildings saving over £28m in ongoing maintenance costs. It will meet high energy saving standards with features including solar thermal panels using the sun's rays to generate hot water and photovoltaic panels creating renewable energy. Plus wood chip will be burnt in a biomass boiler to generate sustainable heat and rainwater will be collected from the roof and recycled for the flushing of toilets. All of these will save the council millions as well as reducing its carbon footprint.
We were approached by a well known scaffolding company to create 3D visualisation images for the client, it was incredibly challenging as we were asked to include all the scaffolding details using the key elements of scaffold and standards, ledgers and transoms.