Project Address Gynn Avenue, Blackpool, FY1 2LD
Is the existing premises holiday let use lawful?
Does it need planning permission to change the C3 use?
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Local Planning Policy (Blackpool Council)
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Blackpool planning policy
Looking at Blackpool Council’s current planning policies including the Core Strategy and the Supplementary Planning
Documents (SPD’s) we can attempt to determine the Council’s view on the existing premises as flats and/or holiday
lets. The main policies to consider are quoted below, with the main parts highlighted.
Policy CS23: Managing Holiday Bed Spaces
To achieve an economically viable level of quality holiday accommodation, the following approach will be
adopted to manage a reduction in the oversupply of poor quality holiday bed-spaces:
1. Within the main holiday accommodation areas defined in the SPD:
a. Existing holiday accommodation use will be safeguarded and new or refurbished holiday
accommodation will be supported
b. Change of use from holiday accommodation, or the loss of sites used, or last used, as holiday
accommodation, will be resisted unless:
i. Exceptional circumstances are demonstrated in accordance with the SPD, or
ii. In relation to a promenade frontage, the proposal would provide high quality holiday
accommodation alongside a supporting new residential offer. Such proposals would need to
comply with the requirements of the SPD.
2. Outside the main holiday accommodation areas:
a. Where existing holiday accommodation is viable its retention will be supported, including
measures to improve the quality of accommodation
b. Change of use from holiday accommodation to permanent residential use will be permitted where
proposals provide high quality homes which comply with the Council’s standards for conversions or
new build, and relate well in use, scale and appearance to neighbouring properties.
Checking Blackpool Council’s Holiday Accommodation Areas SPD, the MH3 area (page 29) shows this property lies
just outside the area boundary for this location as the majority of Gynn Avenue is included. The close proximity to
the dedicated Holiday Accommodation Area should allow the Council to give it support to be used as Holiday Lets.
Even without being within the zone, it can be shown to be viable and the planning history should also help show the
precedence for the council to support the retention.
Policy CS21: Leisure and Business Tourism
1. In order to physically and economically regenerate Blackpool’s resort core and town centre, the focus will
be on strengthening the resort’s appeal to attract new audiences year-round. This will be achieved by
a. Proposals for new high-quality tourism attractions focused on the town centre and resort core,
including major development opportunities which have the potential to become wider catalysts for
regeneration to improve the visitor experience
b. Proposals for new visitor accommodation focused on the town centre, resort core and defined
holiday accommodation areas, unless exceptional circumstances justify a peripheral location outside
these areas
c. The improvement and enhancement of important existing tourist attractions
d. The improvement of existing holiday accommodation and giving marginal, lower quality
guesthouses the opportunity to convert to high quality residential accommodation outside the
defined holiday accommodation areas.
Blackpool is one of the UK’s busiest areas dedicated to tourism and is reliant on the income from tourism to fund its
economy. As such, the encouragement for new visitor attractions will coincide for the need for suitable holiday
accommodation. The council plan for the development and future by writing planning policies to help shape this
growth. The concentration on leisure and tourism is confirmation that this is what is anticipated for the coming years
to help Blackpool strive so holiday lets will still be a requirement for the town.
Although there isn’t anything specific on changing the use of existing flats or historical holiday homes back into
holiday lets, or whether existing C3 uses can be used as holiday lets without needing a planning application; there
are planning policies that show they will support such developments should an application be necessary.
National Planning Legislation- class use and limits
The existing court cases show that the actual definition and how uses are described in the Class Uses Order can assist
in the argument for a C3 dwelling to be considered as a holiday let without needing planning permission.
Conclusive final thoughts
There is no legislative definition of a material change of use.
As to whether your holiday-let flat would be considered as needing a material change of use it would be wholly
down to how the council would view the situation. If the property is to be used as a like-for-like, i.e.: a home away
from home, you could consider it is still classed as a C3 dwellinghouse. However, if the whole property is to be let
out as a guest house, this is more likely to be classed as C1 which would need a change of use application.
I would suggest the best way to clear up the issue is to consult the Local Authority Planning Department by way of a
pre-app to formally check if you are in need of a planning application to change the use and also what use class this
would be permitted as. The planning policies and guidance for Blackpool do seem more concerned with converting
an existing holiday let into C3, and the Holiday Accommodation Area MH3 being so close is a positive sign.
If you are confident your C3 flats can be let out as holiday lets without a change of use application, please check the
rules on Council Tax/ Business rates and how long you can and cannot let the properties as holiday accommodation.
Ideally, a property should only be let to families or those who constitute a pre-formed household group so that there
will be no material change of use where the property was previously used as a family home.